
Monday, January 3, 2011

Yehaaa... it's the 3rd day of 2011.. Shud be posting yester but yester wuz a crazy day.. y?? NO MOOD at all plus i went to my fren's wedding so no time to online except updating my twitter since both my phone spt mau kne campak gaung! Ip n bB same jek. Pkai SE lg best kot. Anyway, along the way there, i had few reso tat definitely shud be include the my 2011 New Resolutions.. (mcm gempak jer bunyi nye kan)

Alhamdulillah..2010's reso i managed to complete mostly all of them..Just few minor unrealistic resos..but still im satisfied for wat i've achieved. mostly for the 4.00 resultsssss (u know when i said resultsss means more than once!!)

So here goes my Reso's list (klau rse2 unachievable tuh ignore jek coz at least i got the dream of making it come true :P )

being a more loyal servant of Allah s.w.t
buy my own house wit the name of OWNER as myself!
touch-up Dolly (change everything from exterior to interior)
expanding my career (which by means im gonna be moreeee workaholic)
there's a knot to be tied up! :P (Ya Allah make it easier for us)
  less partying domestics n overseas
blogging more frequently to update myself to da world (as if i got time for it...??? Ahaaaah!)
be more independence (can it be more than now...???)
being more patience in any sort of problemoooossss
more holidays
wearing hijab (hmmm i got diz weird feeling of wearing it lately...)
less shopping
wanna be a billionaire
less bullied by others (i forgive peps easily thoo)
less fboOkin
more tweeting
buy more shoes (ok shudnt i supposed to be less shopping...?)
more success n loveable wit zee bOyfie

till then...adiosss amigosss..

p.s, i lourve u ;)