4 million where did u go???

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Its past ofiz hour but im stil ere.Hmm..Been stuck doing sales trxn report for d month of june since yester..n guess wat?? Short of 4 million!!! Damn..where did diz 4mil gOes?? Usualy it wont b happening..no2!! Never short hell so huge amount like diz..I tink n Intan oso tinks tat hQ didnt give us d rite report so tats y its not tally..waaaaa come on lar..4mils its not ciput ok...!! So as i wuz stuCk doing it Intan said 'lets jom g mkn roti canai kt faris' I wuz like...haa cool..jom2!! Sudenly........my tL 'awien please stay 2 help me clear up the restriction profiles..' waaaaaaaa again...~ So intan went along wif mala n jun only...waaaaa again n again sumore! My eyes cant opened nemore la wehhh! Brain start 2 makin' drift..hukhuk~

OK2 so change topic.. I went out for lunch wif Leeya. Ngulor jap lar..huhu~ gosips2!! So tomorow shoot playin badminton but sumhow she have to work on saturday..n so did i! I wuz just been informed..Damn! But okla..wOrk iz mOney..mOney iz otw to me gettin' SWIFT~ waahahahhaa!! Cool huh?? So Nurul have confirmed tomorow she'l be joining d game.waaaa syOknye..n off course pJa n missy Ema wud b around tOo.It's been so long we ol (i mean ol d gossips gurls) didnt hang out havin fun 2getha. Cant wait for tomorow..but Leeya dunt forget my shoes n sOcks ya!! hehe..so malas mau blik klang amik lOr.. ;p

So d other story happen 2day wuz....... fraud been calling2 n smsing me which i ignored but 2day he totaly cross d line by sending me diz text:
'Heyy u..mne u mhilang nih? my cl lgsg xnk jwb,my msg pon da xrep? u hdp lg ke x? yg suke mhilang nih apsal????!!!!'
So he totaly cross d line by sending me again tat word which iz 'MENGHILANG'.. n with me full of fire in me totaly berapi!! replied:
'never once i questioned u MENGHILANG. NEVER ONCE! never asked n never said anythg bout it. So who r u to questioned me like tat? Its MY LIFE. U sape? I sape? Bare tat in mind'
Iz dat cruela?? I dont tink so..Ohh for GOD sake please lar. U were my besfrens since skOol ya n forever i tink so..(stil inconsideration). Dunt say 'jgn ckp mcm tuh. i xsuke u nk persoal sape2 skrg ni..im stil d same me n so do u'
Walawehh u stil hv guts to say those????????? wtf im MAD u noe!! u noe y?? coz u're loosing ur mind like waaaaaaaaay too far now. But in the end he said 'I'm sorry for being so sensitive okay..its just sum stupid misunderstanding. Thanks besties for being u as usual mengamok sakan'.. wahahahhaha well ekceli he called i wuz shouting like fuCkin' so tense to tat fraud. Haa now u noe lar im not sumkind a gurl a.k.a ur best ever bestfriend (tats wat u called me aite??) u can treat stupidly.. Urhh wat a JERK! Y does jerk ever exist in diz wOrld???? Buat semak jek bak kate sunia..
Ok so nOw im cOol..so relieved typing ol those stupid thgs..Let d whOle world noe how JACKASS u r..Opsie~ sory for d bad langua even u'r my besties..huhu~

to be cOnt....
