
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Im totaly exhausted due to 28 hours of straight working in da ofiz..pity me n all the engineers been stucked in da ofiz..ahahaha!! totaly crazee day since 2 days ago..overall we did it but dunno wats d result of those project gonna be.. we did our best u guys!! congrates to us!

so due to d 28 hours of working in d ofiz we were awfully exhausted!! waaa u guys can see our faces rite?? definitely like indons working at d site!! gile serabai..ahahahaha!! 

so im totaly will be busy few more days..got case study to submit..exam paper to be done n submit also..so wont be around kot..ehehehe tgk tahap kerajinan lar..

im outta here...gonna finished my case study to be submitted diz eve.. oh n i misssss him...muackss~



alexa myra said...

bz2 pun smpat blogging lg,haha.. jom wat asgnmnt!