Halooooooo Msia!! Hahahaha as i wuz typing the entry's title i remembered tat it wuz diz 1 particular movie title. I LOVE those movie so much back i wuz younger..Well im stil young btw! :P
Anyway....it has been such a looooooong weekend for me.. super duper exhausted! y? bcoz it wuz my besfriend's engagement + wedding. 3 receptions n seriously all of us including the bride collapsed! walaweeeeh wedding of d year la sgt kn.. i can't describe the feeling n tiredness n headaching n throwing up n crying weekends! lets make it short!
Engagement day
so there i wuz helping my bff with her thingy at home on the engagement day. make-up je 2jam ok....! but berbaloi lar. all i can iz time management from the man's side NOT GOOD! huhuuuhuuu.. letih tggu wooo..anyway diz iz her on engagement day!
Akad nikah
during akad nikah memang tragedi disember hokeeeh! terkejut terkujat smue ade.. i went there wit my sayang then smp2 masjid je kay btau 'PA cane jge pengantin nih??! smp pengsan' ok......nenong nenong~~~! mati2 aku igt die sht walafiat! rpenye otw nk g make-up bole plak die collapsed..caused?? DEHYDRATED. kesimpulan yg dpt dibuat 'bakal2 pengantin sila jge pemakanan n rehat anda sblom majlis bermula yer'. If not u end up got 4 bottles of drip! But alhamdulillah even lambat n mcm2 halangan, skali lafaz je the groom managed to do it. yehaaaa~! here's some of the fotos
Majlis Persandingan
time nih pg2 buta aku da cl bff aku suh makan alas perot at least..so kul 11 da ade kt casa 1 siap2 utk makeup even majlis nye kul 1.30. lepak2 smbil gosip2..wah sempat lg tuh! mcm biase asyik dgr shakir mbebel.. 'PA wat kje btol2..PA jge bini sye btol2'...aiyoooooooo! PA lak kne jge pengantin??! xpelaa demi bestfriend ku. alhamdulillah majlis bjalan lancar. cume on tat day pity unty plak yg collapsed. i know she has been exhausted for this receptions. then after few hours, the bride pon starts to feel dizzy n almost faint. lucky we got upstairs as soon as she told us tat she's starting to feel dizzy. up up here we go!! blik bilik sihat plak! hahahahaha...saje je nk cari katil pengantin bdua nih...
since aku jd pengapit n x sempat nk capture pixa, aku cedok je dr 1 of our frens' album..btw, cameraman utk tat receptions iz roland hashim ok... sape x knal roland hashim SILA JGN DOK MSIA! muahahahaha! very low class klau x knal roland :P
hopefully berkekalan bahagia ke akhir hayat... insyaAllah....
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