Sunday, August 30, 2009
I Never Needed You To Be Strong
I Never Needed You For Pointing Out My Wrongs
I Never Needed Pain, I Never Needed Strain
My Love For You Was Strong Enough You Should Have Known
I Never Needed You For Judgement
I Never Needed You To Question What I Spent
I Never Ask For Help, I Take Care Of Myself,
I Don't Know Why You Think You've Got A Hold On Me
And it's A Little Late For Conversations
There Isn't Anything For You To Say
And My Eye's Hurt, Hand's Shiver,
So Look At Me And Listen To Me Because
I don't Want Too, Stay Another Minute
I don't Want You, To Say A Single Word
Hush, Hush, Hush, Hush
There Is No Other Way, I Get The Final Say Because,
I don't Want Too, Do This Any Longer
I don't Want You, There's Nothing Left To Say
Hush, Hush, Hush, Hush
I've Already Spoken, Our Love Is Broken
Baby Hush, Hush
I Never Needed Your Corrections
On Everything From How I Act To What I Say
I Never Needed Words
I Never Needed Hurts
I Never Needed You To Be There Everyday
I'm Sorry For The Way I Let Go
From Everything I Wanted When You Came Along
But I'm Never Beaten From Broken Up Defeated
I Know Next To You Is Not Where I Belong
And it's A Little Late For Explanations
There Isn't Anything That You Can Do
And My Eye's Hurt, Hand's Shiver,
So You Will Listen When I Say
I don't Want Too, Stay Another Minute
I don't Want You, To Say A Single Word
Hush, Hush, Hush, Hush
There Is No Other Way, I Get The Final Say Because,
I don't Want Too, Do This Any Longer
I don't Want You, There's Nothing Left To Say
Hush, Hush, Hush, Hush
I've Already Spoken, Our Love Is Broken
Baby Hush, Hush
No More Words, No More Lies, No More Crying
No More Pain, No More Hurt, No More Trying
I don't Want Too, Stay Another Minute
I don't Want You, To Say A Single Word
Hush, Hush, Hush, Hush
There Is No Other Way, I Get The Final Say Because,
I don't Want Too, Do This Any Longer
I don't Want You, There's Nothing Left To Say
Hush, Hush, Hush, Hush
I've Already Spoken, Our Love Is Broken
Baby Hush, Hush
Yeaaaaah (Hush, Hush, Hush, Hush)
I've Already Spoken, Our Love Is Broken
Baby Hush Hush
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Well 1st and foremost i wanna wish to my dearie frenzies... 'Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak'..Semoga Ramadhan ini lebih bmakna dan dberkati buat kite smue.. :)
so long
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
its been so long..hmm been bz lately with so much homewOrk n prOblemos. So wat happened for like weeeeeekkksss past huh?? Lotsa thgs happened. Very stupid n bitchy thgs!!
1st: can u see tat post below diz?? tat person serang me!! finally...haha she revealed herself but not as herself but as 'FRIEND' of the victim. VICTIM?? OMG! u cld urself as victim?? haha..u gotta be kiddin urself! Im sory my dear but u r the victim here. U want prove?? i've given to u rite? So we bOth confessed..but wat did u do?? u were threatening to called-off the engagement but did u?? haha..so who's d desperate between us two ere?? i dOesnt even care. I noe where my place iz my dear..n u shud noe it tOo. U've studied so high but unfOrtunately ur brain r NOT as smart as wat u said. Sory to say but u r making urself lOok so damn stupid n DUMB! Relax and patience..tats the key..
2nd: He changed a lot!! sudenly he iz the person tat he used to be. He ignOred everythg tat happened and said 'lantak lah org nk ckp ke marah ke..peduli ape' haha!! totaly WOW! ok no comment for tat. 'I know they wanna come and separate us but they can't do us nothin..Your the one i want and i'm a continue lovin..Cause your considered wify and i'm considered husband..And i'm a always be there for you...........And no one knows..Why i'm into you..Cause you'll never know what its like to walk in our shoes..And no one know, the things we've been through..Can never measure up to half of what i put you through..That's why we'll break through..' huhu so owez sings diz to me aite..?? how meaningful it iz isnt it u said?? hmm...
3rd: im sooo tired with so many hOmewOrks. feels like drOppin off but come on zara!! motivate urself!!!! wats ur goal zara?? be a Dr by the age 30...hmm 6 more years to go but im closer to it..yehaaaaaaaaaa~~
well tats it til nOw.. to be continue...
some things are better left UNSAID...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
dear my frenzies..FYI i have decided to advertise diz..
sum thgs are better left unsaid..let time decide... ;p
haha GOTCHA!!! not yet...not gonna share wif anyone yet...
7th JULY
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
So i got diz text..hmm i wonder stil hepi 7th july meh?? Dunt tink so.. Usualy i wud b hepi got diz text every 7th july but not nemore.. Another year passed by..clOck iz ticking..tick tOck tick tOck~ but d answer iz stil complicated n unsolved. Maybe it wont b solve.. Tats wat i tink now.. Well... 'hepi 7th July as well dear bestie.Thanks 4 being a good fren of mine thru out diz 9 years'.. Wonder wats d best present 4 my besties huh..?? Maybe a kiCkass session wud b great. Ahahahah!! Last time batting basebOl session + i smashed ur e71 wuz totaly owesome so i tink kickass wud b great!! hmm if smashing ur e71=new canon ixus so kickass=i got a new VAIO pOcket. Waaa i likeeeeeeee~ So stil hv those guts of comin ere?? I bet u wudnt..
Anyway, later diz eve, im goin to Paroi wif Nurul..g usha sumone there..ahahaha!! ya rite! She needs company so im accompanying her..hmm izzit d rite word?? ok watever..
So work as usual...today im finishing my sales region report but..........2cents went missing..shoot! last time 4mills then now 2cents plak..eee i hate numbers!!
get baCk later ya..
renovating + pink panther plan
Sunday, July 5, 2009
So im at momy's castle baCk in Klang..rinduuu sambal ayam mak dara (bak kate Leeya ;p) Well got back but she wasnt home. Owez went missing. Hmm...but as she got back she cook sambal ayam...yummy~ Leeya mau x??? hehehehhe.. So wat a boring nite last nite. As i came home,goshh d castle doesnt lOok like a castle nemore!! Ohh so momy dara iz renovating d castle. Drilling & smashing ol at d frontyard. I wonder where she got ol d money heh?? Waaaa have to seduce her lar so she can gimme more n more advanced!!! weee~~
Trouble Is A Friend
Saturday, July 4, 2009
He's there in the dark He's there in my heart
Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe
He's there in the dark He's there in my heart
How i hate the way he makes me feel
badminton + karaoke
So last nite me n d gurls when out to chill.. Chill means badminton + karaoke..haha!! well just karok at Leeya's cribs. So 7.30 we (me,nurul,leeya n sisz lanie) went to tat badminton court. Played like crazee + laughing non-stop..huhu! Nurul played so cuteeeeeee cOz her legs made tat weird pose! ;p So pJa n missy ema were LATE!! Hmm..ok traffic jem..good excuseeeeeee. Later finished d game we went hunting for foodssssss @ nz.. haha so damn hungry everyone heh?? Then straight 2 Leeya's cribs..getting ready for KARAOKE!!!
Fun2..lotsa fun even my eyes barely opened..OMG im so exhausted! I wanna sleep sleep sleep coz tomorow gotta work work work.. So they ol 'layan' feeling, i went off to bed..as usual im owez d 1st went to bed. Dunno y lately cant even open my eyes if after 9.30pm..
Diz morn got up at 7.30 gettin ready off to ofiz buuuuuuuuttttttt...unfortunately me n nurul lost our way back home. Ahahahaha!! Instead of goin subang, we were stuck in exit PUTRAJAYA!!! Shoot n makcik nurul kept on mumblin 'ni smue salah makcik! tnye lg psl wifey2!!' Elooo u yg tnye kot..i tgh sebOk belai rambut kot..ahahahha!! So in conclussssss...both of us 'ronda2 dr gombak-putrajaya-puchong-pJ' wahahhaha!! sYOK!
Now in d ofiz as usual..Sisz kay invited me to watch futbOl 2nite sgOr vs. Myteam..cant go coz Nurul iz not going..gOnna b noring w/out her lOr...huhu..Well update later ya..Gotta finish sum wOrk..
4 million where did u go???
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Its past ofiz hour but im stil ere.Hmm..Been stuck doing sales trxn report for d month of june since yester..n guess wat?? Short of 4 million!!! Damn..where did diz 4mil gOes?? Usualy it wont b happening..no2!! Never short hell so huge amount like diz..I tink n Intan oso tinks tat hQ didnt give us d rite report so tats y its not tally..waaaaa come on lar..4mils its not ciput ok...!! So as i wuz stuCk doing it Intan said 'lets jom g mkn roti canai kt faris' I wuz like...haa cool..jom2!! Sudenly........my tL 'awien please stay 2 help me clear up the restriction profiles..' waaaaaaaa again...~ So intan went along wif mala n jun only...waaaaa again n again sumore! My eyes cant opened nemore la wehhh! Brain start 2 makin' drift..hukhuk~
OK2 so change topic.. I went out for lunch wif Leeya. Ngulor jap lar..huhu~ gosips2!! So tomorow shoot playin badminton but sumhow she have to work on saturday..n so did i! I wuz just been informed..Damn! But okla..wOrk iz mOney..mOney iz otw to me gettin' SWIFT~ waahahahhaa!! Cool huh?? So Nurul have confirmed tomorow she'l be joining d game.waaaa syOknye..n off course pJa n missy Ema wud b around tOo.It's been so long we ol (i mean ol d gossips gurls) didnt hang out havin fun 2getha. Cant wait for tomorow..but Leeya dunt forget my shoes n sOcks ya!! hehe..so malas mau blik klang amik lOr.. ;p
to be cOnt....
blackberry oOo blackberry
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Like 2pm gotta cl from d receptionist..'Awien got flowers for u downstairs tat need ur sign...' HUH?? Who sent me flowers...??? walawehh~ So i went down n from outside d door i can see a bouquet of flowers wif 1 guy standing waiting for me..huhu.. 'So diz iz awien..awien he needs ur sign,i cant sign it for u..' 'sure for me?? i asked tat guy.. Ok so i sign n got back up to my desk..From far mala ...'wah fraud ke hntr?? sape2??' Hmm..so i opened d card n written my one guy i knew long time ago..'sharizal' OMG!!! Well he actualy asked for my address diz morn but said wanna add-up my addres in his blackberry..da!! diz iz totaly not a blackberry okay?!
Here's a real blackberry looks like..
Thanks btw but stil my heart iz not open for anythg my dear.. My 'HEART iz TEMPORARY UNREACHABLE'
Goodluck in doing watever it takes for u in winning a woman's heart.. ;p
massive drops in blood pressure
Well it's 1st of July. Usualy im so damn busy today infact i am busy!! So today i got to settle bonuslink report n sales report n cashcard report but....i just finished doing bonuslink report. Thank God it has been sent out. Now stil running for sales trxn but from like 8am stil 'NOT RESPONDING'. shoot!!! 12pm gotta submit ya! shoot2 again!!!
Anyway, yesterday i had like a massive blood pressure breakdown. haha!! Finally i felt d urge of shuttin my brainz off. Well felt like blurry since 2 days ago but hmm ok maybe its just the stres of gettin out from diz envi. Hmm..ekceli i do like workin ere..sumtimes i mean..Not when d finance a.k.a john n shaz kept chasin me wif stupid arguments. HALOOOO i might be NOT takin finance or biz but i noe im doing my job cOrrectly which iz at diz point im forcing my brilliant brainzz just to satisfied u guys!! da!! Ok so back to d real thg, so my bP wud be around 50/40..haha!! Cool huh?? Well my last visits to d dOc had reminded me tat i cud collapsed anytime coz of my bP..so there u are. Gotcha~ So 2day gonna take d pills at my leeya. Stil i wish i cud mc 2day but job comes 1st dear bOss. Aih 2morow im off out from d ofiz.haha!!
saturday oOo saturday
Saturday, June 27, 2009
So saturday it iz n im working?? OMG!! wat a life! Last nite went to watch Transformers..Absolutely 10* movie!!! U guys shud go n watch it. Be back around 12++ then chit chat wif my house mate, later sleep2.. Woke up around 8.30am then ready for work. Only me n Poh yOke around. Intan n Gabby went missing??? huh!! KEJAM!!
Done wif my work so later wanna chill wif Leeya @ MV..huhu GOSSIPS!!! wahaaa syok nye.. Got hot stuff gosips! Hmm..stil tinking wat 2 eat later. Last nite i went to Chili's break fast. Cool & FULL!! huhu.. No more Chili's 4 2day but Leeya iz craving for Big Apple..mokchai!! Well lyn je lar janji prt kenyang..
Well gOtta go ya..Update back later
lousy meeting
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
It wuz a lousy meeting i had in d morn. Damn Intan wasn't there 2 back me up.wahahaahha!! sadis~ Later sudenly the bos said....maybe all the end-to-end process shud the sasu a.k.a ME run it. Its the best..walawehhh the best u said??? Nooooooooooooooooooo.. so aftr finished the meeting, i went out n said im gonna quit!! huhu~ Rite on time pJa called asked if i wanna that job in biomechanic dept..ok so i'll try to apply for it lar..pray i will get it.. ;p
So my Gucci Tote has arrived. Cool!! So damn hepi n if momy knew bout diz she wil go...'awiennnnnnnnn!! ko nih x abis2 beg beg beg..!!!' ehehehehe...chill mak dara chill~ ;p
Well k.intan said iszit the fraud sent me those bag..huhu..no2!! sum1 else did..Opsie~ maybe its the twins?? or maybe its my fwb?? or maybe cinos?? wahahahhha!! secreto but its a perfecto bag.
Wat else heh?? Ohh im fasting 2day. n i miss msak asam mak dara...wahhhh ibu~ nk masam asam ikan parang kaw punyaaaaaaa!! rinduuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..hukhuk~
ok tats it!! time 2 go home 2 break the fast...adioOoos~
jade went missing
Monday, June 22, 2009
OMG!!! my jade bracelet went missing!! but....got it back..huhu.. Im so grateful tat i found it baCk which iz in a stupid situation. So here gOes d stOry..last friday i went for my asar prayer as usual..so i put aside the bracelet wif my watch. So the eve went as usual..As i got back to home, i noticed tat i only had my watch but where's the bracelet?? OMG!! So later tat nite went back to surau at d ofis try to find it but it wuz a waste...hmm...waa so sad u noe..
So.......juz now i went down to d ops dept..sudenly jeng3..my fren talking bout a bracelet she juz gave to bibik!! wa!! tats mine!! So the bibik had my jade bracelet?? OMG!! I quickly ask tat gurl to tell bibik its mine!! mine mine mine!!! Then laer..bibik came and gave back the jade bracelet..huhu Thank GOD..So now got back the jade bracelet + a new one frm cik ema..Thanks! ;p
baCk tO be a student!!!
Lalalalalala..im officialy baCk as a student! chop,stamp n sealed as UiTM 2nd Degree student. walawehh UiTM dhatiku lg siot..watever~~ Takin' Master in Science majoring in Sport Science. huhu so d clasz wil start on d 11th July. And guess wat.....?? I've bOught a new Gucci bag tO clasz..Wahahahahaha!! syOk! n oso banckrup again......Next im gOnna buy a new netbOok as my lappy being so urhhhh!! huhu..So nOw im stil dOing sum eyes work lOoking for new netbOok. Any sugestions...???
So hOw wuz d weekend?? blast i tink.. Friday nite been chillin' wif alOng, ayie n few bunch new frenzies @ Rasta..til like 3++am kOt...huhu gelak saje main teka teki,dOrg lyn shisha,aie lyn jiwe n sakit mata nye,alOng lyn org..i lyn twins smbil2..huhu~ But d best thg iz..otw tat nite..fraud called n he heard guys voice so he juz like 'angin' gile babs..wahahaha!! so he said he's JEALOUS?? OMG!!! Im S.I.N.G.L.E ok....?? So wth shud he b jealous huh?? Ridiculous reason he gave me..WATEVER~~~ Talk to my hand..haha!!
Then Saturday nite went tO Leeya cribs.. She cOoked so well lately..me n pJa's tummy had ALMOST..i repeat..ALMOST ok not same..as leeya's tummy..OVER kenyang..huhu.. Then aftr dinner ape lg jd ular lar..huhu..then g main badmintOn. Me juz played like 1 set then cannot go anymOre..not fit enuf n oso not talented enuf lor..Then sudenly d twins beep..ok better go lyn twins than lyn badmintOn which i am sooooo not talented to play! Overall im hepi cOz da lme x gelak sakan wif my gurlfies.. I L U..~
Sunday..my baby neo wat hal..huh!! mlayang gak ar weit..siOts btOl..Later went out wif momy n adiks tO kL. She needs to find her thgs at jln tar so im d driver..aihhh ok..B home at 7.30..Then sleep at 9...huhu..so tired.....
Hmm cant wait wats the next week plan..please no work...cross my fingers..pleaseeeeee....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Devilicious~ haha!! my besties gave me tat word. Cool huh?? Y..? cOz im back being from an Angel to The Evil Queen of Revenge..wahahahaha!! I lOike (bak kate leeya...)
Had a tremendous lousy weekend..went out clubbin aftr like yearsssss stOp thOse thgy. Y?? Coz stress yg amat kot then ade org seduce utk mnyakitkn ati org lain a.k.a FRAUD!! ahaha.. well in conclusion, mission succesfuly accomplished! I had lotsa fun buat muke org tuh pucat lesi mcm nmpk antoo. syOk! then ape lg eh leeya?? wahahahha biarlah rahsia.....yg pntg puas gile jd devilish blik.
Well been like a week ++ kot website dOwn so cant do any work..In conclusion, BORED!! Preparing my Master registration. Bancrupt like almost 4k?? OMG!! Have to wOrk like double triple so tat bOle cover back kebancrupan ku..haha!! wat a language!
Anythg else to jote?? Hmm..i dunt tink so.. to be continue lah..ngntOk yg amat nih bile xde keje..
All Cried Out
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
It's 9th June
Heyy it's 9th June oredi..hmm..last 2 days were disaster. My phone kept ringing and sms kept coming in. Y?? haha..Dearies frenzies asking me qs tat i cudnt answer!! 'wat happen awien??' 'da tgk lom pic kt fb??' 'ape mslh korg b2 nih tetibe je' 'ape da jd??' 'celake nye tuuuuttt' and x abis2 wat happen wat hapen wat happen...........!! Stress tau x??? STRESSSSSSSSSSSS..
So i've tried my best not to tink..not even the day b4 it happen..on the day n after it. But y does everyone kept asking? I noe u guys were being such a good fren by asking me but do u even have a piece of heart understand tat my heart iz broken when everyone kept asking the qs tat i myself cudnt answer n accept it. I am being so strong. No tears have been out thru diz time. Y?? coz im strong enuf to face it iszit? Or its just i noe tat tears are invalue at diz moment..Naaahhh.. It's all wrong. I wanted to cry..Cried out loud but i dunt noe y i cant. Not even a tear drop came out. Walawehh im strong huh?? I hope so..
While listening to 'All Cried Out' i wish im crying all out now...ahhhh damn y y y???
A week later...still stressing
Friday, June 5, 2009
Counting....counting for wat ya?? huhu..Few wud noe..tomorrow wil be it. A happy moment..but it wasnt a happy day for me instead its for sumone else..Wishing tat person a joyful days ahead after tomorrow. But y.....?? Stil kept asking me 2 chase those pavements when u noe tat wasnt the place i belong to be...? STOP IT!! Juz in a glimpse u cud be so annoying..u made me sick. Go away please..go.. Marked my words..'what goes around comes around dear..'
So work were crazee. New JD on the corner. Bunch of reports to be run wif datelines on the table. Damn its so stressing................HELP!!
Out of mood mode. Yes im so outta mood diz few weeks. Y?? coz of those thingy i've mentioned earlier...pleaseeeeeeee go away........................every1..go2!!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Life Is Wonderful
Thursday, May 14, 2009
juz got back
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
So i juz got back from Tioman Island wif bunch of psychos..Crazee but very much fun. I might say we all were having a great time release all thOse stupid stress n crazee wOrks in our lives. Suposedly we travel on d Thurs nite but due 2 sum time & wOrkin prObs so i end up chillin n freezing in d cinema watching wOlverine wif my girls n karaoke til 3am?? wahahahhaha!! cOOl! Anyway we start our journey at 8am from pJ direct 2 seremban then next stOp iz muadzam shah then end at tg gemOk. So the story begins.......we arrived around 2++pm but unfortunately n disasterly n sueeeeyyyyyly the ferry didnt arrived in time..We have 2 stay n wait n wait n wait sum more til like 8.30pm. Its NITE oredi ok!! damn we were tired of waiting. So the ferry was not so fast...using 1 fan so wat do u expect huh?? Finaly we arrived around 12.30pm at salang pusaka. Weird name but hmm okla. My eyes were so closing up n my bosy r dying 2 c the beds! Went 2 d ruum,change niteys n walaahhh gudnite everyone~
Friday, April 24, 2009
Its friday oredi.. Never tot it wud came diz short. I've been not in a good mood 4 diz entire week. At last my besties accidentally slip out who made the cruel thg 2 sum1 tat shud've known. hahaha!! YES i am so relieved. Y?? cOz there's burden in my chest tat shud b out 4 so many times but i cant bear 2 hurt the feelings of those people. But..i guess tats the best way for me to move on and forget how cruel tat person treat me. Remember..'wat goes around comes around dear..' Am i mad? yess definitely! Am i angry? Totally!! Am i sad? WTF shud i b sad? My anger r beyond ur stupid imaginery. But...its ok..i've let Allah decide for tat persons' done. Ok lets leave those behind..Dunt wanna tink or even remembered those cruel nasty shits thgs!
So 1 day i've decide 2 move on..move on?? Hahahahhaha..so i tot it wud moveeeeee on. Guess im wrong. Izzit the timing or izzit sum fake empty words or izzit juz me? I cant answer tat.. Only tat person got d answer..Sumtimes maybe its hard when we were hanging wif uncertainty decisions. But cant u even wait?? Guess u cant....now i realize those were juz ur fake empty words..meaningless..
Nitemares..got those in like 3days straight ahead?? Its been a while since i've got those nitemares. Dunno wats wrong..maybe im too stressed out or maybe im juz soo damn tired wif everythg tats been happening. Gosh i need a break..ahhhhhhhh!!! Hope everythg juz fade away.. Maybe i shud be continuing my old piano n violin lesson. At least it cud use my spare time so i cud b so damn busy n tired..hahahaha!! Gosh i realy missed playing those violin again..maybe tat wud do best..huhu..yeszaa got d idea oredi.. Happy Instrumenting~
adiks' big day
Friday, April 17, 2009

my worst ever 24th big day
It have been long time but stil i wanna share the story...a story where i had like 1 day major depression n there wuz my besfrens came 2 cheer me up. well 1 of them r missing! nurul wuz missing from the scene but its ok..she had been wif me the whole entire nite stayed beside me while i wuz crying..thanks 2 ol of my besties leeya, nurul n pJa..ohh n siz lani as well ;P .. thanks 4 d karaoke enjOyment.. I realy love u guys so much coz u guys r the frens tat cried when i cried n laughed when i laughed.. it wuz my worst birthday ever but u guys made it wonderful by being my bestfriends!! muaCckksss~~ ohh n p.s: i look like SHITS!
ZARA back in real..
After a while i've been shutting myself into a very big clOset. It felt so goOd spending much time alone thinking wat supossed to be done in diz life. I've been hurt quite bad..really bad. But enuf iz enuf.. Tats it!! No more missy nice zara..From now on im so back on my feet wif new me. Set my goal oredi.. ' I DONT EVEN CARE!' ahahhahaha!! CoOl huh?? i've deleted my old blog cOz its juz a waste of time spending time blogging when peps tat i trust kept stabbing behind my back. Shit! tats wat i call to those losers. Enuf said..i've had enuf. From now on im juz gonna be me. ZARA!! i dunt care bout others to tink, dunt care bout others to feel. i juz care bout me juz me!!