Heyy it's 9th June oredi..hmm..last 2 days were disaster. My phone kept ringing and sms kept coming in. Y?? haha..Dearies frenzies asking me qs tat i cudnt answer!! 'wat happen awien??' 'da tgk lom pic kt fb??' 'ape mslh korg b2 nih tetibe je' 'ape da jd??' 'celake nye tuuuuttt' and x abis2 wat happen wat hapen wat happen...........!! Stress tau x??? STRESSSSSSSSSSSS..
So i've tried my best not to tink..not even the day b4 it happen..on the day n after it. But y does everyone kept asking? I noe u guys were being such a good fren by asking me but do u even have a piece of heart understand tat my heart iz broken when everyone kept asking the qs tat i myself cudnt answer n accept it. I am being so strong. No tears have been out thru diz time. Y?? coz im strong enuf to face it iszit? Or its just i noe tat tears are invalue at diz moment..Naaahhh.. It's all wrong. I wanted to cry..Cried out loud but i dunt noe y i cant. Not even a tear drop came out. Walawehh im strong huh?? I hope so..
While listening to 'All Cried Out' i wish im crying all out now...ahhhh damn y y y???
New Year?
2 months ago
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