Devilicious~ haha!! my besties gave me tat word. Cool huh?? Y..? cOz im back being from an Angel to The Evil Queen of Revenge..wahahahaha!! I lOike (bak kate leeya...)
Had a tremendous lousy weekend..went out clubbin aftr like yearsssss stOp thOse thgy. Y?? Coz stress yg amat kot then ade org seduce utk mnyakitkn ati org lain a.k.a FRAUD!! ahaha.. well in conclusion, mission succesfuly accomplished! I had lotsa fun buat muke org tuh pucat lesi mcm nmpk antoo. syOk! then ape lg eh leeya?? wahahahha biarlah rahsia.....yg pntg puas gile jd devilish blik.
Well been like a week ++ kot website dOwn so cant do any work..In conclusion, BORED!! Preparing my Master registration. Bancrupt like almost 4k?? OMG!! Have to wOrk like double triple so tat bOle cover back kebancrupan ku..haha!! wat a language!
Anythg else to jote?? Hmm..i dunt tink so.. to be continue lah..ngntOk yg amat nih bile xde keje..
New Year?
2 months ago
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