It wuz a lousy meeting i had in d morn. Damn Intan wasn't there 2 back me up.wahahaahha!! sadis~ Later sudenly the bos said....maybe all the end-to-end process shud the sasu a.k.a ME run it. Its the best..walawehhh the best u said??? Nooooooooooooooooooo.. so aftr finished the meeting, i went out n said im gonna quit!! huhu~ Rite on time pJa called asked if i wanna that job in biomechanic dept..ok so i'll try to apply for it lar..pray i will get it.. ;p
So my Gucci Tote has arrived. Cool!! So damn hepi n if momy knew bout diz she wil go...'awiennnnnnnnn!! ko nih x abis2 beg beg beg..!!!' ehehehehe...chill mak dara chill~ ;p
Well k.intan said iszit the fraud sent me those bag..huhu..no2!! sum1 else did..Opsie~ maybe its the twins?? or maybe its my fwb?? or maybe cinos?? wahahahhha!! secreto but its a perfecto bag.
Wat else heh?? Ohh im fasting 2day. n i miss msak asam mak dara...wahhhh ibu~ nk masam asam ikan parang kaw punyaaaaaaa!! rinduuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..hukhuk~
ok tats it!! time 2 go home 2 break the fast...adioOoos~
New Year?
2 months ago
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