Its friday oredi.. Never tot it wud came diz short. I've been not in a good mood 4 diz entire week. At last my besties accidentally slip out who made the cruel thg 2 sum1 tat shud've known. hahaha!! YES i am so relieved. Y?? cOz there's burden in my chest tat shud b out 4 so many times but i cant bear 2 hurt the feelings of those people. But..i guess tats the best way for me to move on and forget how cruel tat person treat me. Remember..'wat goes around comes around dear..' Am i mad? yess definitely! Am i angry? Totally!! Am i sad? WTF shud i b sad? My anger r beyond ur stupid imaginery. But...its ok..i've let Allah decide for tat persons' done. Ok lets leave those behind..Dunt wanna tink or even remembered those cruel nasty shits thgs!
So 1 day i've decide 2 move on..move on?? i tot it wud moveeeeee on. Guess im wrong. Izzit the timing or izzit sum fake empty words or izzit juz me? I cant answer tat.. Only tat person got d answer..Sumtimes maybe its hard when we were hanging wif uncertainty decisions. But cant u even wait?? Guess u i realize those were juz ur fake empty words..meaningless.. those in like 3days straight ahead?? Its been a while since i've got those nitemares. Dunno wats wrong..maybe im too stressed out or maybe im juz soo damn tired wif everythg tats been happening. Gosh i need a break..ahhhhhhhh!!! Hope everythg juz fade away.. Maybe i shud be continuing my old piano n violin lesson. At least it cud use my spare time so i cud b so damn busy n tired..hahahaha!! Gosh i realy missed playing those violin again..maybe tat wud do best..huhu..yeszaa got d idea oredi.. Happy Instrumenting~
New Year?
2 months ago
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