its been so long..hmm been bz lately with so much homewOrk n prOblemos. So wat happened for like weeeeeekkksss past huh?? Lotsa thgs happened. Very stupid n bitchy thgs!!
1st: can u see tat post below diz?? tat person serang me!! finally...haha she revealed herself but not as herself but as 'FRIEND' of the victim. VICTIM?? OMG! u cld urself as victim?? haha..u gotta be kiddin urself! Im sory my dear but u r the victim here. U want prove?? i've given to u rite? So we bOth confessed..but wat did u do?? u were threatening to called-off the engagement but did u?? who's d desperate between us two ere?? i dOesnt even care. I noe where my place iz my dear..n u shud noe it tOo. U've studied so high but unfOrtunately ur brain r NOT as smart as wat u said. Sory to say but u r making urself lOok so damn stupid n DUMB! Relax and patience..tats the key..
2nd: He changed a lot!! sudenly he iz the person tat he used to be. He ignOred everythg tat happened and said 'lantak lah org nk ckp ke marah ke..peduli ape' haha!! totaly WOW! ok no comment for tat. 'I know they wanna come and separate us but they can't do us nothin..Your the one i want and i'm a continue lovin..Cause your considered wify and i'm considered husband..And i'm a always be there for you...........And no one knows..Why i'm into you..Cause you'll never know what its like to walk in our shoes..And no one know, the things we've been through..Can never measure up to half of what i put you through..That's why we'll break through..' huhu so owez sings diz to me aite..?? how meaningful it iz isnt it u said?? hmm...
3rd: im sooo tired with so many hOmewOrks. feels like drOppin off but come on zara!! motivate urself!!!! wats ur goal zara?? be a Dr by the age 30...hmm 6 more years to go but im closer to it..yehaaaaaaaaaa~~
well tats it til nOw.. to be continue...
New Year?
2 months ago
keep it up babe..
only we knows what we want and how we feels..
ignore others..
go zara!!
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