heloooooo! entry xnak pulak poyo kan..? hehehe.. anyway, been busy lately setelah pulang ke tanah air tcinta. baru harini aku ready nak buka n kemas luggage n kotak2 barangku.. cuti yg panjang uolss so cuti lar. mengemas adalah satu kerja so kena cuti dlu.. hikhik.. ekceli byk entry aku da draft tp ntah kenape asal nak post jer, manjang je xbole. xbole upload gambar holiday aku aku.. xbole nk publish post lah.. xde line tenet lah.. last2 dlm draft je tempatnye. but its ok! sket ari lg setelah selesai mengemas, akan aku publish :)
well its new year already! 2012 it is! normally i would make a wishlist but since i just arrived (konon laa.. padahal da few days), will be delayed for the wishlist entry. Alhamdulillah azam 2011 90% tcapai.. 2012?? tungguuuuu..
maybe i shud get back to do the cleaning n organizing n unpacking..will update soon..
till then..
New Year?
2 months ago
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