Alhamdulillah.. setelah 2 minggu btugas d tempat baru, segala nya bjalan dgn lancar. walaupun payah n x biase n penat n letih n segala nya lah but i made it through diz entire 2 weeks!! arini baru lar ade free time nak update blog. entry b4 diz da draft punye lah lame tp mcm2 hal so baru arini dpt post. anyway, Chinese New Year iz coming up n im off for 9days! Yehaaaa~ already made plans for my holidays. cant wait to go there!!
So how was is like in my new place...? awesome! i think so... well it normal for new people like me to suit in into a new society. i may look small n petite but i know one day, i will shine. learnt from the past, that no matter how hard it is..if i work with my heart n soul, be true to myself n always eager to learn new things, InsyaAllah i can make it :)
No matter what is our tittle.. no matter what is our qualification.. no matter how well-known u are.. the most important thing is 'always work using your brain n your heart. be honest in everything n never give up!'
till then..
New Year?
2 months ago
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