Ohh dear.. what time iszit now..? 1.57am when i started my entry. yaaa been doing some googling stuffs at the moment.. huaaarrrrggghhhh~~~ pretty much tired n sleepy what need to finish all work stuff before im off for my summer vacation! summer lar sgt kan..... well obviously its kinda summer coz its HOT here n there! anyway, been a week since my last entry. why?? nowadays, my weekdays are like 'NO ONLINE TIME AT ALL'.. YESS! i havent get the chance to online (with my lappy of course) during weekdays. work are like crazeeeeeee loads. being an educator + sports director wasnt easy as it seems n sounds! swear to my Almighty Allah swt that everything are tough. oh dear, i need to make new adaptation to the place n workloads n people n subs n everything! but......i am confident with myself! :D
so.. since it was my busy days n so does my Mr A. he has started 'working' already n theres NO date for us. Aiyaaaak! im off during weekends n he's off a day some where in weekdays. how laaaaaaa?? feels like we are still doing that 'long distance relationship'! (padahal dua2 ade kat malaysia tuh n worst was in same territory) but im cool n he's cool n we're cool bout it. still.. i miss my Mr A.
well look at the time now.. need to continue my work. so thats all for my 'time-off' entry..
oh... one more thing..
with my warmest regards i am shouting my shout out to all my chinese friends..
happy chinese new year! its a dragon year this year. as i can recall, it should be a water dragon year on 2012. so water dragon means.....
New Year?
2 months ago
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