As Salam..
its kinda weird when i got diz uneasy feeling from wuz so uneasy as i can say it..i wonder melayu ckp..'gerak hati atau naluri'..lastnite as i wuz watching the tv then it strike me! n i said to myself 'ish nape rase x sedap ati nih..ape nk jd nih...' wuz strange coz last i got diz feeling few years ago when my beloved cat 'chibi' died.. he wuz my most loveable pet..each time when im in trouble n crying in my ruum, he wud be sitting front of me n juz watched me crying..i used to talk to him while crying..he wuz like my besfren tat time.. one day he got sick wit kidney problems n he can even stand up.he wuz lying down front of the toilet tat time n i cried like crazeeee. when he's gone it felt so crushed..there's non any other cat tat cud replace him in my can i have a cat??hahahaha! :P
anyway, back to diz feeling...hopefully nothing's bad gonna be happen..InsyaAllah i pray to God make it all fine.. bless my parents wit longevity, bless my siblings wit healthy life n bless us all for a happy n prosperous life..Aminn..
New Year?
2 months ago
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