semenjak dua menjak nih..hati nih bagai haihhhh dihiris sembilu..xtau knape ade je yg x kena..nampak luaran tsenyum bahagia tp pd dasar nye...? mcm2 mslh yg dtg..xkira lah psl ape je..kerja,peribadi, persekitaran, kawan2... smue nye...
permulaan 2011 tidak lah sebaik yg dsangka..segalanya seperti puting beliung..bagai tsunami mhempas bumi..knape dlm muka bumi nih ade makhluk yg btopengkan topeng...?? ehh ape aku merepek nih... bottom line iz..i hate POKER FACE!
so here goes the story..there's one freaking effing annoying one person tat really pissed me off. how can a well trained staff be such UNPROFESSIONAL at all..???! thank GOD she's outta there in few weeks time.. we dunt need UNprofessional in d organization :D
now goes to a person called 'friend'.. sumtimes not all friends can be trusted..not all can be yours truly friends..well we cant even notice how they wud be appeared in real life sumtimes. there few friends that i've known for so long..turns out to be....?? POKER FACE..but at one point they wud turned back their head and realize..'hey! u're just they same zara i've known huh..?' hahahaha!! well do i have to change for sumthing im not..?? hmmm sumtimes i wonder it too. hope i wont get to deal with this suckers anymore..tired oredi..
love..ohh such a sarcastic word for me now..wanna know y..? dunt believe in it anymore..sumtimes it just fade away..or shud i say its GONE...? muahahaha! well lets put it are not only by meant of 2 person falling in love..heyy FOCUS u guys! im talking bout love of doing sumthing..i used to love doing my work but sudenly now FEED-UP.. too much work with too much drama..i wonder wat do i love most of doing nowadays.....think i might be searching for my 'new love'..heheehee
opss gotta tummy are crying like hell..see u soon..
New Year?
2 months ago
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