LDR..wats LDR?? haha long distance relationship..can it lasts?? well it ol depends on individual. sum of us might say 'darn it wont work..believe me it wont' sum wud say 'as long as there's honesty, then it shall work'..so wats d MOST IMPORTANT thing to make sure LDR works? honesty? trust? freedom? no poya²? no cuci² mata? ahahahahahaha..well a lot of them ekceli but it differ in an individual. it's not tat when u gave 100% trust then ldr wil definitely work..oh no².. few days ago diz one particular 'i know who' just broke off..huhu pity diz couple.they were like a heavenly matched togetha but unfortunately didnt lasts long..quite long they've been togetha but bak kate org tua² 'da xde jodoh....' huhu.. i know diz person have given full freedom n trust to anotha party but unfortunately diz anotha party were crazeeeeeee about anotha party..ok did u get wat i mean?? ahahahhahaha!! confusing!! me oso! pendek kate main kayu 3 lar..xpon 4 ke 5 ke ntOh ler.. God knows better :D.. to diz particular person, CHEER UP! CHILL! & lets PARTAAAYYY~ huhu.. forget about tat anotha party..hushh²~
New Year?
2 months ago
kedai mamat mane nak lepak neh??muahahaa..
kedai MAMAT yg ensom² jambu² lar..
MAMAK ape barang....
terasa aku dgn entry ni..bodo piang tul la..hahha
bodo piang mu ckp aku??
tiada nama dsebut dlm entry ini..hrp maklum..muahahaha
weh LDR not working la.. ak dh 2 x kna siut, skrg nk g ngorat jiran sblh umah leh x,haha
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