ohh dear..it's so demn hot nowadays in kL..especialy when i got home to my mums'.they said when u live nearby the sea or shore, the temperature wil be soooo demn hot during nites..walaweyh!! it iz TRUE! diz hot climate made me feel so uncomfortable + headache. + ol diz pms thingy...aiseeeey wanna die lar! cant barely sleep during nite if d air-cond turns out to be juz an air-come! waaaaaaaaaa :(( NOT GOOD!
well last sunday i went to Sunia & Hafiz wedd (hafiz's reception) in Shah Alam. gosh they lOok absolutely gorgeous in yellow! Congrates to them both..Wishing them both a happily ever after marriage..xoxo~
today iz 9th..anotha 3 days to go n im sooooooo twenty.five..muahahahhaa!! well my besties leeya decided to go ice skating n karok tat nite..huhu it's my National Day so no lecture wil be attended tat nite..can ar?? sure can lar..i'll do watever i wanna do..no one can stop me..muahahahhaha!! *devilicious mode* so if anyone care to join d ice skating n karok session please gv name to Leeya Mazlan in FB.. ;)Let's celeb my big day togetha my frenzies!! last year wuz such a disaster big day so no more diz year! please make it d moz enjoyful big day!!
Ohh frensss dunt forget my present as well..muahahahhahah!! 'sila semak list adiah yg sye mau yer' ehehehehhe!! muacks~
New Year?
2 months ago
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