heloooo! while waiting mom n dad, i came across to jot something.. something i have no idea what to write exactly! been busy lately.. one of my school good friend are having her big day in a month time.. while sitting doing nothing, i manage to design a perfect wedding dress.. talking about wedding dresses, alhamdulillah.. someone very close to me are also planning on her big day in few months time!!! weeeeee.. syukur2 praises to Allah swt for His blessed. hope the preparations went well. I accept those news with a big smile, big hug n unbelievable big question mark! hahaha!! whooopppsss.. :P Some people might say 'orang baik adalah utk org baik.' or blablabla etc.. but actually i believed in ' Allah mpunyai ketentuanNya tersendiri utk jodoh setiap hambaNya. Allah tidak pernah mbezakan setiap hambaNya di antara baik ataupun tidak.. itu yg aku pelajari dlm kelas tahfiz ku laa..well some people has their own opinions. guru n pengalaman utk setiap manusia adlh berbeza so cara pemikiran juga haruslah berbeza.. ye kan?? Wallahualam~~
okay, berbalik kpd topik sebelum nih, im soooo happy for my good friend, my pet sister, my closeeeee friend n myself! ehh why myself?? nak jugaaaaak laa tumpang happy kann :P semoga segalanya berjalan lancar insyaAllah kpd semua calon2 isteri n suami mithali.. my prayers are with u guys all the way :)
till then..
New Year?
2 months ago
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