Im thinking that am having a sleeping disorder lately.. Felt so tired but my eyes wudnt shut at all.. Weekdays, i'll sleep at 9pm then woke up around 4 or 5am. No more sleep after that. Directly go to work.. Im early nowadays. Can even cook nasi goreng for breakfast before i went out to work! Anyway, i need my beauty sleeeeeeep plsssss..
Heyy wats up with my entry? Huhuuhuu.. Alhamdulillah.. Im almost there.. InsyaAllah with God's will..3rd November 2011 will be a history. Im trying my best! I cant believe im taking tat path as my new career. Well somehow we need to grow.. Tats wat my big boss always said. I am growing and for tat case, im taking another way and path. Not sure wats it gonna be in the new journey but hopefully itz worth it. InsyaAllah..
Well the truth iz..... I didnt even prepare anything at all for 3rd nov!!!! Omaaaaigaaad.. Have like noooooooo idea at all wat am i going to say and do tat day. Haihhhh.. God give me ideas plsss... I need one! Had been in tne the Borders looking for references on wat i shud do but naddaaaa..yilekk. Maybe shud go to kinokuniya tomorrow after paintball..
Well maybe later..
New Year?
2 months ago
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