As Salam...
There we go..2010 are leaving us (which by the time i've posted diz entry, it has been gone) There's so much to be remember in 2010 but sometimes we must look forward and just walk straight never look back. 2011 hopefully will be a blessing year for me and the family as well and of course for everyone single human being in diz world.
Started with so many unforgettable things..but as i crossed my journey, it all seems to change. From painful to cheerful memories. Sometimes people do make mistakes and those mistakes are meant to be learned. We learned from the past..As we grow older, those experiences makes us more stronger and brighter. Forgive people who has been doing wrong to you. They might hurt your feeling but who knows you might hurt their's too. God knows...
For all mistakes that I've done... from the bottom of my heart "i am sorry for all the things i have might hurt your feeling. may we all are blessed by the Almighty God. Let's forget the past and starts a brand new year"
For someone that i hope will be reading diz (which i doubt it).. we began our 'perkenalan' it quite a harsh way. I wish we cud be friends coz we had our terrific own lives now. My apology to you if I've done terrible things to you and i had forgive you for what ever done to me..Let's just say we are now 0-0
Januar 10
There's nothing much happen in diz month except...I'm wishing for the best thru out the year of 2010. and also it wuz the month I've started working with the new company 'Trisystem Group'.. Bless me
Februar 10
It wuz the month where me n him started to become 'close friend'. From just being a 'hangout' friends to 'close' friends. He made me go stronger to face the sobering days. Nothing much to say on diz month also :)
Marz 10
It wuz the month of my favorite!! My big day wuz on diz month. Yeaaaay! Everything wuz going according to plan except my BFF's dad passed away on my big day. Ya Allah tempatkan dia di kalangan hamba² Mu yg beriman serta beramal solleh.. I've started to get more busy during diz month with work. I'm expanding my career during diz month. Alhamdulillah...
April 10
Ahaaah! I've started to have crushed on my 'close friend'... Wehooo unexpected at all.. I remembered that I've quoted The best date is with someone who can take you anywhere without touching anything but your heart. And that's HIM 'Ahmad Azlan Zainal'
Mai 10
Diz iz when I'm starting to pissed off with my work. Maybe it's just because of the stressed i need to deal with.. But overall it's OK!
Juni 10
I'M FALLING FOR YOU... That's all i can say.. Life?? Greaaaaat each and every single day :)
Juli 10
Feeling a lil bit down but everything stil UNDER CONTROL!
August 10
The month where i felt so blessed being with the one i love... me familia und me amor...!!
September 10
I'm counting something on diz month... counting n counting n wallah!!!
Oktober 10
I'm on cloud nineeeeee...
November 10
The month where I've started to be more matured in writing my blog! Muahahahaha.. POYO!
Dezember 10
Everything went WRONG....!!! I hate the end of 2010!!!
And there you go.... I'm sending the 2010 off to the past..GOODBYE~!
New Year?
1 month ago
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