Duhh penutup April iz.... neo ku dtebrak lori..demn lah! double demn lg iz license aku mati 4days ago! ahahahha mmg suey! benci2!! abis lar..lately neo asik wat hal jek..adakah krn mau mnukar kereta bru?? atau adakah mau mnukar psgn bru? wahahhaha ape kaitan?? mmg sgt xde kaitan.. ape2 pon ko siap ar BEP 1257! lori mcm haram!! ko igt ko besar bole suke2 nk pancung jln org..sial btol lah!!!! marah nehhhh!! pecah cermin ibarat bkecai ati aku tau x??!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sgt benci!!!
so anyway, been buzy diz whole week with exams,works n dating perhaps...?? ahahha dating?? no time coz one in southpole n anotha in northpole.demnnn.. no mood lately coz im toooo demn tired n exhausted n im not feeling well lately. dunno y lah...hmm.. dgn mcm2 hal in d ofiz..alahai..i wonder y they cant be professional in separating works n personal..well..no comment coz i sure didnt wanna get involved with those thgs. daddy said 'dunt care too much bout others coz not everyone can be trusted. b urself n do ur own work..' pendek kate jgn nk sebok hal org.. :P
hmm ok dunno wat else to jote..continue later coz i need to get my lunch now..
New Year?
2 months ago
jom kite ajak geng DiN gi cari lory tu.. kasi gegar skitttt.. muahahahha...
pecah cermin ibarat pecah hati? gile dasat,hahaha
tuka bf baru la, eh mksd ak keta baru..hik2
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