weheee i woke up diz morn wit a perfecto good mood..while driving to d exam in campus, i had diz funny feeling..y am i so in a good mood i wonder..it wuz my killer paper but im quite cheer diz morn. so d clock iz ticking..3 hours for 5 essay qs..huhu..i tot i didnt manage to finish it off but alhamdulillah..everythg the prof taught in lecture were in those qs paper..well if i didnt focus in cluz, absolutely cant do anythg bout it. d qs cant find in any book at ol i tink..its all in his words...wahahahhaa!! well hope i manage to score d paper! 4.00 again perhaps?? hehehe...amin..amin..
so later on lunch with ol d mates..oh btw, we were in d same exam room with others tat took physiology paper..waaa seeing them struggling with those paper made me feel so demn relief coz i've done it. thank god it wuz flying colors wit those paper..seriuzly, datin sarina wont give any stupid qs u guys!! her qs might make ur brains explode! huhu.. neway, back on track..we were having fun discussing n gossiping bout nearly everythg..hahaha! so demn long time didnt have those funny talks huh?
then i went straight to my house..then thinking..hmm wanna watch that when in rome..wahahaha!! absolutely like 10 starssssss!!!! gosh lourve josh duhamel..n d movie were so demn romantic n funny..wanna watch it again!! anybody care to join me...?? hehe :D
well tomorow got research lecture..it's d final lecture b4 d exam..huhu..lalallalalla! then i just realized i didnt even start on my OB final answers! walawehhhh need to submit it on monday..ok library here i comeeee!! come kah?? ahahhahah..i wish....
til then...
New Year?
2 months ago
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