
Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Setelah sekian lame.. Hampir terlupa akan kewujudan blog ini. Sedang layan demam panas ku ini,tibe2 teringat plak yg aku dlu suka share in blog. What evaaaa.. Anyway, life da berubah 360degrees. Why?? Im married.. Became a mother to a healthy cute sepet botak boy named adam adrian. And becoming a mother again in 7months insyaAllah. Now Adam pun da 1y2mos. Genap 1 year die nak dpt adik. Alhamdulillah rezeki. Niat mmg bile Adam da bjalan baru plan nak preggy. Skali mmg Adam bjalan je dpt tau preggy. Huhuu.. Pasni tutup kilang maybe. Kalau da dpt sepasang laa. Manelaa tau rezeki Allah nak bg kan. So life super busy dgn kerjaya nya. Dgn motherhood life nya. Ahah!! Penat?? Yang amaaaaaat! Ini pun baby sdg lena dibuai mimpi. Bolehlah momy berehat sebentar bersama kitkat. Well maybe sambung later. Which is xtau la brape bulan lg kann. Take care heaps!



Wednesday, June 12, 2013

As Salam n alooooohaa! Wow for real?? It has been almost a year since my last entry. What happened??? Well lots have been happening.. lets cut it short n just make it simple..

#1 Alhamdulillah syukran jazilan I have been married to a wonderful man Ahmad Azlan on 10th Nov 2012. Even it has been a long time ago, but I still remember.. it was the happiest day in my life that time. The ceremony went on smoothly. My bestfriends were all there. Even Ayun flew back home from india I think. Cant remember.. hihi! Thanks to Leeya souch. She has been a terrific PA the whole week organising n settling everythg for me. The best!

#2 honeymoon... well went to few places. Such a wonderful 2 months holidays I've had.. thank you huby for bringing me to those places..

#3 Alhamdulillah me n huby received a good news.  I'm pregnant right away. Too early to conceive but it was the greatest news. Can't believe it either.. well it's all rezeki dari Allah Swt.

#4 Due to a health reason, I was advised to rest at home until my delivery. So I'm doing it now. Become a full time house wife.  Just sometimes I had to go for tutoring n academic stuffs in fac but thats cool by me. As long as I'm getting the rest I should have.

Now.. I'm waiting.. seems like the baby wanted to come out so fast. But please baby, pleaseee wait till the due. Edd on hari raya! Greaaaaat huh? Hope I could manage to eat rendang before deliver.  Hahahaha.. I still want to eat rendang n all raya dishes hokaay. Well that's all for tonight. Will update but don't know when.. please pray for a smooth delivery InsyaAllah. .

Till then..



Friday, June 29, 2012

Tajuk entry mmg sgt lah lame.. Lame as if the english word ok.. Bukan lama.. Huhuu.. Anyway, kali nih nak ckp psl typo or the other wordssss are typing error. So ekceli da lama perasan yg kdg2 post aku nih byk typo tp aku jarang or mmg tak kan betolkan lah.. Erkk so yg mbace tuh hopefuly faham laa or korang buat2 faham sudeyyy.. Now mmg lgsg xguna lappy or pc online. Its either update thru my ipad or my smartphone je. So mmgtahap kemalasan mmg tahap gigaaaaa punya lah kann..huhuuhuu.. Oklah gotta go now. Nak kena ketemu encik tunang pilih invite card.. Till then.. Lourve, Zara


Thursday, June 21, 2012

The ipod charter that has been missing more than a year ago had been recovored! Waaaaahh super excited.. U know why? In these ipod got like thousands of songs that had been accompanied me during my rough n tough time finishing my study all alone.. Hukhukk (konon mood sedey).. Bile charge je the ipod than played it again, perhhh mcm2 memoriessssssss yg dtg balik.. Memories time susahnye study sensorang malam2 hanya bertemankan hot vanila tea(my favourite tea!) Mostly songs dlm ipod nih utk buat aku stay strong n motivate aku utk teruskan moto 'awyn, bace buku tuh!!' or ' awyn, take that notes and revise!' or 'come on i can do this!'... Still remember me n my bff leeya got a cool catchy motivate song everytime we are entering the exam hall.. Its from Anastacia 'Left Outside Alone'... That song mmg power lah! Maybe coz the voice are superbly powerful so cam semangat gile! Before masok hall mesti telinge masing2 dgn earphone memekak. Notes mmg dah xde laa.. Thats my style. Any notes n books lgsg xkan dibawa to exam coz that time tinggal tunggu bperang je.. Studying n revision has been closed once i woke up b4 going to the exam. Ohhh memoirsssss~ ok cam dah merapu je entry kali nih.. Well time to hit the sack now. Goodnite world.. Goodnite lourve of my life.. Goodniteeeeee.. Till then.. Lourve, Zara

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ohh helooo Jun! Im welcoming u a lil bit late. It has been 2 months since my last entry. Okay, im totally super duper busy! Forgive me uols for my busynessssss ;) hmm.. Feel like writing something but seeing my ipad's batt is just 11% n dropping down n down n down so maybe later.. Haha! Have a blessed Jun uolss.. Till then.. Lourve, Zara


Saturday, March 31, 2012

history happened! banjir kilat berlaku di area rumah ku.. bencana alam itu telah menyebabkan kerugian di rumah ku.. menenggelamkan 4 buah kereta di luar rumahku.. brg2 rumah alhamdulillah tiada yg terjejas (setakat basah jer laa) malang tidak berbau. hujan lebat yg turun dr jam 3pg diiringi ribut petir berlarutan sehingga ke jam 7pg. pukul 5 air start masok rumah, 5.30pg ktorg tgk je laa itik2, dolphin2, kura2 serta buaya keluar berenang2 di swimming pool itu.. haha! aduhaaaai.. ingat air naik sket jer, xsangka pulak nak tenggelamkan kereta so mmg semua kereta letak baeeeeek je laa dlm garaj.. nak buat macam mane kan, bencana alam so redha je laa. semalam semue kereta yg terjejas telah ditunda (eh yeke nih perkataan tow in bm eh??) ke pusat servis.. estimation membaiki.............. bole beli 2biji Passat yg baru!! insurans pulak x cover utk kerosakan bencana alam so redhaaaaaa lg.. walaupun dlm hati aku n ayah ku yg turut sama ke pusat servis itu bagai nak kena buat bypast lah.. huhuuhu.. ade hikmah di sebalik kejadian alam itu. menurut laporan, pili air empangan ke ape ntah tidak dibuka dan menyebabkan banjir kilat tersebut. so air hujan tidak dapat dilalukan ke sungai/empangan/logi lah kirenye. air sangkot je laa dlm longkang. semalam sepanjang jalan mase nk gi tempat servis kereta tuh, masih terdapat byk lg kenderaan yg tersadai ditepi jalan. kesian kan.. kejadian yg mmg tak disangka akan berlaku laa..

dalam kesibukan penyediaan n persiapan perkahwinan ku, tibe2 pulak bencana alam melanda... melihat pulak wang yg harus dilaburkan utk kereta ku, aku kena migrain jap! jiwa kacau jap! baik beli kereta baru je dr aku labur duit byk tuh utk repair. gile gile.....! tapi redha je :)

till then..



Sunday, March 18, 2012

First entry utk bulan ini... oleh kerana super duper busy, lgsg xde mase nk update. last 2weeks terlantar akibat denggi.. celebrate birthday pun gitu2 ajer laa. esok da mula kerja.. ohh tidaaaaaaaaaaaak! setelah 2minggu bersantai bersenang-lenang, esok kembali bekerja?? Tuhan jer yg tau betapa malasssss nye lah. Anyway, what with 18th March?? heheeheheee

Alhamdulillah, siang tadi baru jer berakhir majlis pertunangan ku. majlis yg serba ringkas,simple dimple selesai! semoga jodoh kami kuat utk mengharungi dugaan mendatang.. InsyaAllah ;) Tarikh pon da tetap so insyaAllah doakan lah kami yer :) tema?? hmmm.. blom lg habis makan, semua da tanye tema ape?? haiyaaa! manyak pusing lor.. blom terfikir pon tema ape tp mmg yg ade dlm kepala nih adalah 'simple dimple'.. no extravagannnnnsssss. yg mane wajib n perlu dad knows me better, im very simple! well gotta go now. nak kena iron baju for tomorrow! malam ini saye tidur dengan senyuman..

till then..
